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For Rig customization see Rig Modules


Scavs are equipped with an innovative modular platform : the rig.

Rigs hold your items and act as your inventory during runs. They have two relevant attributes, volume and weight, with both limiting how many items can be carried into and during runs. The vendor Bundleton sells rigs and rig modules beyond the default two you are given after reaching a water level 16, allowing you to increase the capacity of your storage containers and armor your large item slots.


Rig modules can grant advanced abilities. Pneumatic jump allows to quickly traverse rough terrain and reach hard to get drops. Turrets allow you to shred... at least for a short time. And scanners allow to scout ahead to plan routes.

RIGs / Module layouts

The table below covers which characters can use which rigs.
Note that Scav Girl and Old Man require certain skills to use specific rigs.
Bag Man and Gunhead have access to all rigs.

Light and medium rigs

Available for: All characters (Old Man, Scav Girl, Mask Man, Shaman, Bag Man, Gunhead)

Appearance Name Min CU Max CU Open Large Medium Small Weapon Weight Price (at 75% Cost)
RIGBUILDS 01 Default Small.png Standard 397.04 794.08 1 1 0 0 0 3 0
RIGBUILDS 01 Default Small Gundang.png Standard Gunrunner 397.04 794.08 1 1 0 0 1 3 0
RIGBUILDS 02 Medim MoreContainers.png Enhanced 656.08 1312.16 1 0 1 3 0 5 276,000
RIGBUILDS 02 Medim MoreContainers Gundang.png Enhanced Gunrunner 595.85 1191.7 1 0 2 0 1 4 345,000
RIGBUILDS 02a Medium MoreDangles.png Equipment Runner 1013.14 2026.32 3 0 3 1 0 7 276,000
RIGBUILDS 02a Medium MoreDangles Gundang.png Medium Equipment Gunrunner 893.77 1787.55 2 0 3 0 1 6 345,000

Heavy Rigs

Available for: Old Man, Mask Man, Bag Man, Gunhead

Appearance Name Min CU Max CU Open Large Medium Small Weapon Weight Price (at 75% Cost)
RIGBUILDS 04 Large MoreContainers Gundang.png Heavy Container Gunrunner 2382.24 4764.48 0 6 0 0 1 18 690,000
RIGBUILDS 04 Large MoreContainers.png Pack Mule 2680.72 4170.37 1 3 5 0 0 19 552,000

Super heavy Rigs

Available for: Bag Man, Gunhead
For some reason, "super heavy" rigs have a lighter dry and full weight than even medium rigs; large changes to rig module weight and rig classes may come in the future.

Appearance Name Min CU Max CU Open Large Medium Small Weapon Weight Price (at 75% Cost)
RIGBUILDS 03 Large MoreDangles Gundang.png Heavy Equipment Gunrunner 397.04 794.08 2 1 0 0 2 3 690,000
RIGBUILDS 03 Large MoreDangles.png The Rack 397.04 794.08 8 1 0 0 0 3 552,000

Rig Modules

  • Modules are the interchangable parts of your rig
  • Every rig acts as a preset module layout that can currently not be customized further
  • Upgrading the modules of your rig is crucial to increase your max volume and weight
  • They can be purchased from Bundleton, a Scav vendor that unlocks at 16 days of stored water


An odd rig has a chance of appearing with the recent reimbursement update, and it looks like the Equipment Runner Rig rig without the top row, consisting of a medium container and three empty large slots.[1]
It appears to have replaced the upgraded containers rewarded for Staunch the Bleeding
