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Items are objects that can be bought or scavenged while skulking around the battlefield of Forever Winter. Each item has a set weight and volume that determines how much you can fit into your Rig before extracting.
All items are dropped upon death, but your weapons and rig modules can still be recovered if you re-enter the region and recover your gravestone.


Equipment: Large items that require a rig with a Large Item Bin to carry. Provides a function that can assist the scav in the battlefield.

Weapons: The scav's arsenal to help defend themselves from the horrors above.

Ammo: Fired from weapons. Each gun requires different ammunition.

Consumables: Items that can be consumed, typically to heal, but offer other effects as well.


Damaged Weapons: Weapons dropped by the enemy. Destroyed variants can only be sold, disabled variants will be repaird upon successful extraction. Require a Looted Weapons Bin to carry.

Large Items: Large items that require a rig with a Large Item Bin to carry. They are either for trade or quests.

Valuable Items: Small Items you can find scattered through out the battlefield, they are commonly found inside of containers of various types, with some exceptions. They can be traded with vendors for credits and reputation or turned in for quests.